Monday 9 April 2018

♡回锅五花肉炒茄子 Twice Cooked Pork Belly with Brinjal♡


五花肉 1块 (300克),洗净沥干水
茄子 1条,洗净切段,预先过油捞起备用
红萝卜 2寸,去皮后切片
辣椒干 2~3条,用热水浸泡至软后,去籽洗净切段
蒜头 4~5瓣,稍微拍扁
姜 4~5片
芫荽 1小棵,洗净切段
水 适量

蠔油 2大匙
酱油 少许
胡椒粉 少许
绍兴酒 2大匙
薯粉 1大匙+ 2大匙水 (勾芡用)


300g Pork belly, wash & drain
1 brinjal, wash & cut into section, fry with hot oil in advance, drain & set aside
2 inches carrot, remove skin & slice
2~3 dried chillies, soak in hot water until soft, remove skin & wash, cut into section
4~5 cloves garlic, slightly smash
4~5 slices of ginger
1 small stalk of coriander, wash & cut into section
adequate of water

2 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tablespoon soya sauce
dash of pepper
2 tablespoon Shao Xing wine
1 tablespoon of tapioca starch, dilute with 2 tablespoon of water

1.Put the pork belly into a pot with cold water, on the heat and let it boil for about 15~20 minutes or until the pork 70%~80% cooked . Drained the pork belly and set aside.Slice the pork belly after cool.
2.Saute dried chillies, ginger & garlic until fragrant, add in carrots & slice pork belly, stir fry in quick in few minutes until you can see more lard will be secreted out.
3.Add in some water, following add in brinjal & seasoning, stir fry for few minutes.
4.Lastly, add in starch for thicken the gravy. Transfer into a plate, sprinkle some coriander on the top and serve in hot.

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