Friday, 1 May 2020

♡泰式黄姜鸡饭 Thai Style Chicken Bryani♡

行动管制令#第45天 劳动节晚餐来吃特别的
香到没朋友,味道一点也不输mamak 档的nasi beriani.

食谱参考于 Marion Grasby 的 Khao Mok Gai

(A) 全鸡腿 4只,洗净一支全鸡腿切半备用

(B) 芫荽 3棵,洗净 去茎部,切段,芫荽叶保留用来点缀
       姜末 1大匙
       蒜头 4瓣,切碎
       优格 1罐 (135克)
       咖喱粉 1大匙
       黄姜粉 1/2 茶匙
       鱼露 2大匙
       盐巴 少许



(A)香米 2杯,洗净
      白洋葱  1/2 大个
      番茄 2个,洗净切丁
      鸡汤或清水 2 1/2杯 (依自己买的白米水的份量自行拿捏)
      盐 适量

(B)小豆蔻 5粒
     肉桂 1支
     月桂叶 2片

芫荽叶 2~3大匙
炸葱头 2~3大匙



*由于我忘了买(B) 材料所以我没放,但是米饭依然很香。

Recipe adapted from Marion Grasby~ Khao Mok Gai

Turmeric Chicken Ingredients:
(A) 4 whole chicken 4 pcs, each piece cut in half

(B) 3 stalks coriander, separate the roots and leaves. Chopped the roots & coriander leaves keep for garnish
       1 tablespoon chopped ginger
       4 cloves of garlic, chopped
       (pound the coriander roots, garlic & ginger with mortar and pestle)
       1 can greek yoghurt (135g)
       1 tablespoon of curry powder
       1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
       2 tablespoon of fish sauce
       pinches of salt

1. Mix well all the ingredients (B) and fully marinate on the chicken,  keep in the fridge with cover for at least 2 hours or overnight.
2. Heat up a non-stick pan with some cooking oil. Use hand to remove the marinate from each chicken piece.
3. Put the chicken into the pan, pan-fry both sides until golden. Transfer to a plate & set aside. Transfer out the frying oil into a bowl.

Thai Style Bryani:
(A)2 cups jasmine rice, washed
      1/2 large white onion, chopped
      2 tomatoes, diced
      the reserved marinade
      2 1/2 cups chicken broth or water
      1/2 teaspoon of salt

(B)5 green cardamom pods
     1 cinnamon stick
     2 bay leaves

2~3 tablespoon of  chopped coriander leaves
2~3 tablespoon of fried shallots

1. Pour in 3 tablespoons reserved frying oil, saute white onion until light brown, add in tomatoes until soft.
2. Add in jasmine rice, stir fry a while, add in reserved marinade, chicken stock & salt to taste. After stir well, transfer the rice into the rice cooker. On the button & bring it to cook.
3. Transfer the rice to a big plate, place the chicken pieces on top of the rice. Garnish with coriander leaves & fried shallots.
*I omit ingredients (B) because I forgot to buy, but the rice still fulls of aromatic.
*Best served with Thai Chilli Sauce.

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