Friday 21 September 2018

♡番茄鸡 Ayam Masak Merah♡

想吃很久了的~*番茄红鸡 Ayam Masak Merah*

食谱参考于Guai Shushu, 再次感谢Kenneth Goh 无私的分享~感恩^^

番茄鸡 Ayam Masak Merah
全鸡腿 4支,斩块
番茄膏 (Tomato puree) 1罐
番茄酱 1/2 饭碗
番茄 2大个,切成小丁
辣椒糊 (chilli boh) 2大匙(可以用10条辣椒干,浸软与其它材料一起打烂)
香茅 1支, 去白色部分,切碎
姜 3公分,切碎
小葱头 10颗,切碎
蒜头 5瓣,切碎
大洋葱 1个, 切碎
食油 3大匙
椰浆适量 (我没加)

1. 将葱头,洋葱,姜,香茅放入搅拌机加入少许水打烂。
2. 准备一个小锅,热油后将打烂的材料炒至出味。
3. 加入辣椒糊,番茄膏,番茄酱和番茄丁一起翻炒均匀,让它滚一下。
4. 加入鸡肉块,不停地翻炒避免锅底烧焦,直到酱汁收干,过程约30分钟。

Ayam Masak Merah
4 whole leg chicken, cut into medium pieces
1 can of Tomato puree
1/2 rice bowl tomato sauce
2 big tomato, dice
2 tablespoon chilli boh (you can replace with 10 pcs dried chillies, soak until soft & blend)
1 stick of lemongrass, take the white portion, chopped
3cm ginger, chopped
10 shallot, chopped
5 garlic, chopped
1 big onion, chopped
3 tablespoon cooking oil
coconut milk (optional)

salt & sugar to taste

1. Blend the shallot, onion, ginger, lemongrass until fine.
2. Preheat the pot with some oil, pour in the blended ingredients saute until fragrant.
3. Add in chilli boh, tomato puree, tomato sauce & diced tomato, stir fry well & bring it to cook for few minutes.
4. Add in chicken, continue to stir-fry until the chicken fully absorb the tomato gravy under medium heat. It takes about 30 minutes.
(If the gravy too thicken, you may add a bit of water)
5. Add in some salt & sugar to taste, stir-fry well and off the heat. Cover with a lid,left the chicken in the pot for 15 ~30 minutes.
6. Serve the ayam masak merah with blue peas rice.

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